“Spirit of Place” - definition
“Spirit of Place” is the translation of “Genius Loci”, a Latin expression used by the old Romans to indicate the special atmosphere and meaning of a place. Before building a house, a temple, a palace or even a city, they first wanted to interpret the site, nature, views and understand the ‘spirit’ of that place. Then they placed windows, columns, porticoes and rooms in the right position to emphasize, interpret and welcome that Spirit. Now, the whole country of Italy is a collage of Spirit of Places. Through the centuries people always felt the need to describe and capture this “Italian Spirit” of unique places in architecture, writings, films, music, poetry, photography and other ways of communication. For the foreigner, it is something to be discovered, understood and being fascinated by.
Traveling is to be surprised by the view of a striking coastline
A dramatic mountain landscape fields full of grapes
A beautiful sunset
Traveling is about curiosity. Finding out what Po around the corner.
Feeling the "spirit" of a place tasting history
Meeting new people
Traveling is about sharing tasting a perfect wine
Savoring a wonderful meal being in the right company
"drunk on love"
Traveling is using all your senses seeing a fine piece of art
Listening to beautiful music tasting the salty sea
A summer breeze on your skin
Traveling is an experience. Living your dreams
Creating precious memories a way to enlarge your horizon
A way to enrich your soul
Traveling is a passion an escape from daily routine
It's about exploring the road from your head to your heart
Traveling is about feeling free and young again
It is about enjoying life
...Life at its purest